
Our mission for our chapter is for all of our sisters to be academically successful throughout their college career. Our chapter always puts academics first, since we recognize that we are students first. The Lambda Beta chapter aims to provide our sisters a helping hand and support in all of their endeavors.

The Lambda Beta chapter places academic achievement as the top priority and academics are extremely important to all of our members. Our chapter takes pride in the academic success our chapter has accomplished; We currently hold the highest grade point average on campus, along with consistently being above the All Woman's Average, All Greek Average and All University Average. 

For the Fall 2017 Semester, we were very proud to have achieved an average chapter GPA of 3.26 which was the highest average chapter GPA for the Greek life community as well as being above the URI Women’s Average GPA.

In order to promote our achievement and encourager our members to withhold our standing of academic excellence, we have put in methods to promote excellent academic practices: 

Finals Fairy

Throughout the semester we lend a helping hand to our sisters, one way is our ‘finals fairy.’ The academics chairman gives girls a break from studying by giving out candy, energy drinks, flashcards & other snacks and things. 

House Fridge 

Each month we do a fridge, where sisters who achieve an A on an exam, project, or quiz can place this grade on the wall in the Zeta Tau Alpha house, just like you would at home. The fridge rewards these A’s with a gift card, and gives woman a chance to show off their good grades.

High GPA Rewards

At the end the semester, the academic chairmen shows recognition to the sisters who receive over a 3.8 GPA by giving them gift cards to wherever they chose. Our practices give a great incentive and a reward for our sisters to succeed, not only in college, but for years and years to come.

Study Groups 

Our sisters in the same classes greatly enjoy studying with each other and forming study groups. Many of our sisters find that studying together helps them learn the material better and ulimately be more successful. At Zeta, you always have someone supporting you! We are a large chapter with many different woman in all types of majors, having a wide circle of studies helps girls get closer to one another. Along with providing insight from a student to student viewpoint, that cannot be obtained from a school counselor. There are always sisters in the library studying or in the Zeta Tau Alpha house kitchen doing school work!

Order of Omega 

Order Of Omega is an Honors Society for the Greek Community.  It’s purpose is to recognize those fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-fraternity activities and to inspire others to strive for the same values.  The goal of Order of Omega is to bring the Greek Community, alumni, and faculty members together to try to achieve excellence in academics and community service. We currently have several sisters that are members of the Order of Omega. Having sisters initiated into the Order of Omega is something the Lambda Beta chapter is very proud of.

For more information on Lambda Beta academics, please contact our Academic Chairmen, Molly Stevens at

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